Large and loving it?
Not really.
And I feel like in the past three weeks I've about doubled in size, so you've got that to look forward to when I do finally post a current maternity photo. I know it's hard to actually see the shape of me, since I'm wearing white and the background is white. Didn't really think that one through when I chose my maternity-photos-wardrobe... Maybe next week I'll just change it up and throw on something black. Maybe.
So how am I feeling? Well, aside from a few discomforts, as far as pregnancies go I'm going to go ahead and rank this one Freaking Awesome. That's on a scale from 1 to Heidi Klum. I've had absolutely no swelling anywhere (aside from the obvious abdominal growth - or did you not notice?) Which means I'm still wearing my wedding ring, and my shoes are still fitting just fine. I haven't dealt with varicose veins or hemorrhoids, constipation or nausea, acne or hair loss, or breast tenderness. Literally, the only inconveniences I've experienced are just the discomfort of smuggling a basketball under my shirts.
My uterus is extremely high, and extremely off-center to the right, so I get a lot of kicks in the ribs and actually the other day I swear I was kicked square in the heart. Which I know isn't possible, but it felt pretty darn possible at the time. Since I'm carrying so high, I have a bit of difficulty breathing, and a constant tightness in my rib cage. I'd compare it to the feeling of wearing a corset (which my wedding gown had, and felt extremely similar.) I'm also starting to feel pretty uncomfortable just sitting upright, so sitting in the bucket seat of a car, or in a theatre seat, is getting extremely uncomfortable and painful. I mostly just want to lie on my side all the time.
I've been experiencing some minor leg cramps between my knees and ankles, and some pretty frequent (and actually extremely painful) Braxton Hicks contractions. They come in spurts. So in the evening, for 5 hours, I'll get a strong contraction every 15 minutes. And I can't really walk or move during them. I asked my doctor about them at my appointment yesterday and she said they're nothing to worry about. Actually, what she said was "All the books say that they're just supposed to be a wonderful feeling of tightening, but in reality most women express that they're actually quite painful, and feel like real labour." Which they do.
At my appointment yesterday the doc talked me through what I can expect with my elective cesarean procedure. It's scheduled for 7:45 in the morning, which I thought was pretty reasonable, until she told me I had to be there 2 hours early for prep.
Say what now?
At the hospital. The morning before I welcome a newborn. At 5:45 in the morning. Which means we have to leave the house at 5:15. Which means I have to wake up at
Maybe the universe wants you to start practicing sleeping when they sleep from day 1.
We talked about how I'm not supposed to eat anything from midnight on, how I need to grab a few antacids from the pharmacy to take the night before and the morning of, how I can't wear any makeup or nail polish or jewellery, and she also explained the risks again and had me sign a consent form for various things. Don't worry - I triple checked to make sure I wasn't agreeing to a hysterectomy or tubal ligation. Not pullin' a fast one on THIS
It started out as a pretty discouraging doctor's appointment, though. Parking at this hospital is a nightmare, and I even got yelled at by some belligerent lady in the parking lot because I wasn't waiting in line properly. Or something. Then I had to walk much farther than any giant woman should be forced to walk, and was panting by the time I got to my appointment. Late, I should add.
But then when I got there I was extremely reassured, because every staff member I ran into that day (four) commented on how great I'm looking, especially for my gestation. I stepped on the scale (as always) and have gained a whole .5 of a kilogram since my last appointment. Le gasp! I'm being sarcastic of course. I know that's not a lot of weight gain. This entire pregnancy I've actually gained a shockingly small amount of weight. I think my total right now is around 13 pounds? At 36 and a half weeks, I'm going to go ahead and call that a solid win.
But I won't take any credit for it.
I have not been a responsible eater or exerciser this time around. I've essentially been eating whatever I want whenever I want it. But it seems to be working? It's confusing, but I'm not going to question what the pregnancy gods have so generously bestowed upon me. And my mother's incredible genes. Although I don't think even SHE had this kind of luck in pregnancy...
Here's a breakdown of weight gain, according to this source.
- Baby: 7-8 pounds
- Placenta: 1-2 pounds
- Amniotic fluid: 2 pounds
- Uterus: 2 pounds
- Maternal breast tissue: 2 pounds
- Maternal blood : 4 pounds
- Fluids in maternal tissue: 4 pounds
- Maternal fat and nutrient stores: 7 pounds
That's around how much I gained with my pregnancy with Oliver. But this time I'm not really sure what's going on. Maybe they'll pull this guy outta me, and I'll be slimmer than I was in high school! Who knows? (With exception to the obvious saggy skin gut I'll be sporting for a little while. I'm optimistic, but I know what's goin' down.) A girl can dream...
Otherwise no complaints! Still guzzling water like a marathon runner, chowing down on ice like there's no tomorrow, and trying my best not to burn out while I run around completing all the last minute tasks that need need NEED to get done before baby boy arrives. And there are about a thousand. Although I delegate all of the tasks that require bending over to my sweet husband, who will gladly bend over for me any day. Wait, that sounds wrong...
So stay tuned for a more up-to-date maternity photo sometime in the next week. I'm thinking we might even do a full-on maternity photo shoot sometime this weekend. One that includes the father of my child, and Oliver. They are as much a part of this journey as I am! Well, almost.
How about you guys? Any dream-pregnancies going on out there? Or are you staring at your computer screen hating me right now because your journey wasn't quite as comfortable? I don't blame you - I get a lot of hate from a lot of women lately and all I can really say is "I'm sorry? I wish good things for you?" I'd hate me too if the shoe were on the other foot. So for now I'm just focusing on being grateful, and trying not to sound like I'm bragging when people ask me how I'm doing. Which is hard, by the way. I honestly don't mean to, but no matter how I word "I feel great!" or what tone I use, it just ends up sounding like I'm trying to rub it in people's faces. Sorry, inquisitive people.
Psst - Here's where you can find earlier pregnancy updates!
- 31 Weeks
- 27 Weeks
- 24 Weeks
- 20 Weeks
- 15 Weeks
- 11 Weeks
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