
Down with O.B.G.

Yes, that is a reference to this classic hit.

But what I'm really talking about is being down with my OBGYN.

When I was pregnant with Oliver, we went to the first OB that we were referred to. Mostly because we were relieved that she spoke English well, was young(ish) and was friendly. She was through a medical group that worked at the hospital we wanted to deliver at. And she was fine.

When I say that, I mean she was just fine. Not anything special. What we remember most was how impersonal the experience was with her. Her office was so busy that when we went to see her, we were in and out in under 4 minutes every time. She didn't really give us opportunities to ask questions, seemed like we were a bit of an inconvenience for her whenever we were there, and when it came time for the physical stuff - cough cough - internal exams, she was kind of a hard @$$ about it. I don't like to use that kind of language, but I just don't know how better to describe it.

Quite frankly, every interaction with her left me feeling a little dejected, a little uncared for, and just so darn cold and impersonal. Not what you have in mind when you visualize the doctor that will be supporting you through one of the toughest (and weirdest, when it's your first time) experiences of your life.

Enter Doctor Hunt.

We met her when we were in the hospital in labour with Oliver. She was the on-call doctor, and our regular OB was not in that day. So she was the one assigned to make sure our baby got out safely. I felt a little weird about having a different doctor, but I learned within just minutes of meeting her there, between contractions, that she was the doctor of my dreams.

Young and kinda' pretty, actually, Dr. Hunt was a godsend. She had unbelievable bedside manner, a sweet disposition, and a sensitivity to my situation that I could not have expected from a doctor in such a busy city hospital. And when it came time to make the call the a C-section was in the cards for me, she was there for me the entire time. Understanding of the fact that this was not my plan, understanding that it would be disappointing, and gave me options when I felt like I had none. She is my doctor crush.

So naturally, when we found out we were pregnant again, my mind went straight to her. "I wonder," I asked Matt, "if there's any way SHE could be our OBGYN this time around?" And when it came time to be referred by our family doctor to an OB, we instantly said "Dr. Hunt. Is there a Dr. Hunt we could be referred to?" She didn't work with the same medical group, but actually straight out of the Women's Health department of the hospital we wanted to deliver at. So when we got the call that we would in fact be referred to her, we were beyond thrilled.

We went for our first appointment with her on the 29th, and the love affair was instantly rekindled. She looked me right in the eyes, kept referring back to my charts and information, and asked more times than I can remember "Do you have any questions about anything at all? Questions about me, about you?" Twoo wuv.

She went over our birthing options with us (we're leaning toward VBAC this time around, but she talked with us about the option of having an elective C-section.) And she went over every possible phone number she can be reached at, and what we do if anything comes up in the pregnancy that we're concerned about. I just couldn't believe how sweet and caring she was. My Doctor dream come true.

Then came the most hilarious part of the appointment. She wanted to get a listen to baby's heart beat, and so I hopped up on the table, and she whipped out her machine.

I should mention Oliver and Matt were in the room with us at the time.

So she put the machine on my belly, and starting listening around for the heartbeat. And then the most terrified, horrified, blood-curdling look crossed Oliver's face. He was beyond scared of what was happening to me, and the sound from the machine.

Matt made a joke that he thought maybe Oliver was coming to the realization that he wasn't going to be the only one anymore, and I giggled. But what a face. What a terrified face, I've never seen such a face on my little monster.

Of course, as soon as she was finished, we reassured him that everything was okay, and I hugged him, and he seemed to recover pretty quickly, but what a funny reaction. Dr. Hunt said she's never seen that before. Poor guy, listen to me. Laughing at his pain. Bad mom.

But that's the story of our first OBGYN appointment! Kept you on the edge of your seat, hey? Probably just the most thrilling tale you've ever read in your life. Well, you're welcome for that.

Stay tuned for more goosebump inducing medical stories in the future. I know you're just dying to read them. :P

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