Since Matt and I still haven't gotten any bloodwork done (the lab wanted to poke me as few times as possible, so we're waiting until the prenatal screening test in August to do all of the bloodwork) the only proof we've had up to date is that the pregnancy test said "Pregnant" and the doctor said my uterus felt about the right size. But today we had our second doctor's appointment and got a little proof that there is in fact a little baby in there, with a beautiful little 150+ bpm heartbeat, thriving. We even got a video of it, although you may have to crank up the volume if you want to hear it.
We were definitely thrilled! The doctor also said that there's really no way to tell if there are two heartbeats or one at this point, due to the size of the uterus and the fetus(es) but that if I was concerned about twins they'd be able to tell me at my ultrasound in September. Which I'm beside myself excited about!
So relax and let the soothing sounds of a fetal heartbeat soothe your soul. It soothes mine!
Heartbeats from Holly Gilson on Vimeo.
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