
I'm tellin' the world!

Doesn't that just make you think of this song? I know it does for me, but it always plays at the end of the movie "Rio" and my kiddo is pretty much obsessed with that movie right now.

But it's true! We are telling the world! The news is out! Extra exta hear all about it!

And how did we do it? It's a pretty cute story.

I took Oliver's 18-month photos a bit early so we could incorporate one of them into our big reveal, and it worked out pretty well. I photoshopped his t-shirt so it said "BIG BRO" in big white letters, and then we developed it. We snuck it into a picture frame in Grandma Kathy's living room while all of Matt's family was over visiting. They didn't notice it all evening! Then, at the exact opportune moment when everyone was around, Matt drew attention to it.

Kathy went up really close to inspect it, and said "Oh, that's so nice. And look! He's a superhero..." She didn't even notice what his shirt said. She even looked at it a second time, and again just admired how nice it was. Then Matt had to say "Did you read his shirt...?" and she did, and spun around jaw wide open. "What! Are you serious??" Everybody was super excited, it was pretty awesome. Matt's brother Ryan got home later that evening and we pulled the same picture trick on him. His reaction was a little more anti-climactic, but still fun.

The next day I phoned my mom and my dad and emailed them the picture. I told them I just wanted them to check out Oliver's new 18-month photo. My dad didn't notice right away, since he was too busy analyzing who the picture looked more like, but when I told him to read the shirt he said "Oh Holly, what are you doing." He remarked on how similar this situation is to me and my older brother, since we're exactly two years apart too.

My mom just started squealing, and getting emotional. She also commented on what a "terrible mom" she is, because she didn't notice all that time. What a goof.

The last person we revealed to was Matt's cousin Ashley, one of my closest friends. And her reaction is probably my favourite one to date. She came over to pick me up and go out for dinner, and came inside to wait for me for a minute. Matt's mom said "Hey, did you see my new picture of Oliver?" and brought her over to it. She leaned over and started to say "Aww..." but then spun around, her face super serious and shocked. "Are you kidding right now? Are you serious? Are you joking?" And Matt and I just smiled and nodded. She immediately started jumping up and down and screaming. She hugged me, and said "Oh my god! Yay!" and squealed some more. I approve. :)

Facebook found out this morning, and it's basically set the social network on fire! I love how easy it is to share good news with everyone you know and love these days. It just makes you feel so warm and fuzzy and wonderful inside. There aren't enough occasions in life to announce in an excited this-is-big-news fashion.

My dad phoned me shortly after he phoned my Grandma, and told me that he was sorry to be calling so late but he thought I'd like to know I'm having a girl. The story behind this is that my Grandma, by his account, has never been wrong. She wasn't about Oliver, that's as far as I know. But my dad swears that she's got the gift. And she's got $100 on girl.

We won't get to find out until September 26th, however, which I'm very eagerly anticipating. Ashley and I are already eagerly planning away for the big gender-reveal party we want to throw to share the big news. I've never attended or thrown a gender reveal party, so I'm really looking forward to it. Only... 7 weeks away?

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