
What Do Toddlers Eat - Yummy Apple Breakfast Cookies

Looks like I'm developing a bit of a series here, and today toddlers eat cookies for breakfast!

If your little guy or gal is anything like mine, then you know the value of a cookie in your household. I grew up on chocolate chip cookies, my mom was actually famous for them. I used to give baskets of them to friends as birthday gifts, bring them to school on my own birthday, and even used them in the sixth grade to celebrate democracy bribe people to vote for me as class rep.

I ate a lot of dough too, but that's neither here nor there.

Well, Oliver had his first cookie on June 18, 2012. He was just about 17 months old. And it was destiny.

They were like two star crossed lovers meeting for the first time. All over each other, and filled with the most divine joy one could ever see. It was history in the making, people.

This kid is crazy for cookies. Crazy. It's probably one of his favourite words to say. Mama, Dada, and Cuh-cuh.

Since I have so much trouble feeding him anything these days, I decided to find a Cookie Monster approved recipe for something he could snack on that I wouldn't feel quite so guilty about giving him. Then I stumbled upon this recipe in a Milk calendar my mom got in the mail (why didn't I get one?) and had to absolutely give it a go.

And what do toddlers eat? This:

Yummy Apple Breakfast Cookies

from here


- 2 Eggs
- 1 cup milk
- 1/4 cup butter, melted (but not hot)
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 3/4 cup brown sugar
- 2 cups quick-cooking rolled oats
- 1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
- 2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 1/2 cups finely chopped apples (about 1 large)


1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease 2 large cookie sheets, or line with parchment paper.
2. In a large bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, butter, vanilla, and sugar.
3. In a separate bowl, whisk together rolled oats, flour, cinnamon, baking powder, and salt.
4. Combine wet and dry ingredients, add apple, and mix just until blended.
5. Drop batter onto baking sheets (they don't rise or spread, so they can be pretty close together.)
6. Bake for about 15 minutes, or until tester inserted into the center comes out clean. Let cool.

He gobbled them right up, and they're basically whole wheat muffins. I was extremely happy with the result. And the plus side is that they taste extreeeeeemely healthy, so I wasn't a huge fan. So that means I won't eat them all, and I'll actually be able to save them for him! He's the only one that needs to like them, anyway. And they definitely got his stamp of approval, as seen in the crumbs tracked all over the apartment floors.

We also had so much fun making them together. I just let him pour the dry ingredients from the measuring cup into the bowl, and let him whisk the dry ingredients together. Sure he made an enormous royal mess, but I'm trying to learn to let those things slide for the sake of a good time, and cherished memories. My OCD won't get the better of me this time! Nope, we just had a good old fashioned fun time making "cuh-cuhs."

And in case you were wondering, the answer is yes. Sometimes my son and I do stay in our pajamas all day long. We're cool like that.

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