The ultrasound is complete, and we couldn't be happier.
It's funny how you have something in your mind, and you go through these steps, and you discover after all is said and done that you've got exactly what you've always wanted and always dreamed and everything is exactly perfect and the way it should be.
Baby is perfect. Perfectly formed, ten fingers, ten toes, a beautiful little button nose, chubby thighs and round little biceps, even a cute little bum. It had the hiccups during our ultrasound, which was an absolute treat to watch. Those little twitches, those tiny squirms, that itty bitty strong-as-ever heartbeat. It was stunning and gorgeous.
As it turns out, Matt and I are two-for-two when it comes to making gorgeous babies.
The picture is crystal clear at Babymoon Ultrasound. Clearer than the hospital ultrasound. And it was so nice to be able to just sit there, and check out our little... wonder. From every angle, down to every last detail.
The tech told us it was just one, right off the hop, and we were thrilled. We high-fived each other right there in front of her. We were absolutely relieved to find out that we'd only have a family of four. For now.
About ten minutes in, she also told us what it was. And showed us how she knew. And Matt and I smiled ear to ear, thrilled to imagine our family the way it was meant to be. We told the lady what its name was going to be, and she loved it. But I'm sure she loves them all. She has to. It's her job.
Am I killing you with my "its" ? I bet I am. I bet you're all DYING to know what "it" is. And I will gladly announce it first thing Monday morning, but for now we're taking our time to tell family and friends our own way. We've made a cute little slideshow set-to-music to announce the joyous event, and we're making our rounds all evening.
One thing of particular concern for me, though, is that she said baby was big. And she sees a lot of babies. She said she's guess I was closer to 21/22 weeks than 18/19. Which again, as I've stated before, can not be.
Matt and I are seriously discussing a scheduled c-section right now as an option. My mom had one that was almost 12, so this is a serious concern of mine, especially considering Oliver was too big to come out.
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